Primordial Black Holes – Could it be the Dark Matter?

Primordial Black Holes

What if we told you that there could be black holes, the size of pennies in your pocket. What if they are the size of atoms? And not just one, many many of them.

We are talking about the Primordial Black Holes which indeed could come in such tiny sizes. But don’t go by their sizes, cuz the same tiny black holes would have the masses around the size of large asteroid. So, in this episode, we will be talking about the mysterious primordial black holes. By the way do you know which is the biggest black hole in the Universe?

What are Black Holes?

First let’s see what’s a black hole. It’s basically a place in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that even light can not get out. The reason for the strong gravitational space is because the particles in that space has been squeezed into a tiny space. This usually is seen when a large star dies in a supernova explosion. The black holes are not visible or just seen as a dark space, as not even light can escape it,. There are different types of Black holes such as Stellar Black hole, Super massive black hole, Binary Black hole etc. One such kind is Primordial Black hole.

Primordial Black Holes

Now coming to the Primordial black holes. The word primordial means, that which exists from of the beginning of time, which in the present context means the Big Bang. Big Bang as we know is the cosmic event which led to the formation of the Universe about 13.8billion years ago. It was the perfect moment for the formation of Black holes. The extreme heat and the high density. And thus formed the many Primordial Black holes ranging from 100,000 times less than a paperclip to 100,000 times more than the Sun’s.

It was in the year 1966, that Yakov Borisovich Zel’dovich and Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov first proposed the existence of primordial black holes, but the first in-depth study was conducted by Stephen Hawking in 1971.

Are Primordial Black Holes still out there?

If such black holes really do exist, they should still be out there and lurking throughout the space. So, are there any chances that such a tiny primordial black hole could actually pass into our solar system, or could actually hit our Earth. Well the chances are grim. Due to Hawking Radiation, the smaller primordial black holes would have been evaporated in only a few minutes following its creation. But that’s not true though with the bigger primordial black holes.

Let’s just assume that such a small primordial black hole somehow survived and hit the earth. What would be the impact like. Would we survive. Theoretically we are sure about one thing, it won’t be like an asteroid collision, instead, the black hole will pass straight through the entire Earth and exit the other side, if it ever happened. Like a bullet pierces and exists through the body.

And the likelihood of that happening is 1 in a million years. Because, they cannot be spotted as such, their presence can only be detected with changes in the astronomical structures near them. And for this reason, their existence has not been proven and still remains theoretical.

So, do you know the answer to the question we asked in the beginning, the biggest black hole in the Universe?
Its a black hole named TON 618, which is 66 billion times the Sun's mass. 

Hope you liked the video. So what about the Black hole fascinates you the most? D in the comment section below. And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to know all about the amazing things in this world and beyond. See you in the next video. Until then stay amazed, stay blessed!

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